Sunday, January 1, 2017

years later....

It's been three years and nine months since my last post on this blog.... despicable! I've decided to resurrect this creative blog with weekly works of art. Consistency is not my strong point but I'm hoping that this goal will fuel my motivation and creativity, since deadlines have always motivated me. Wish me luck!

Much has happened in my life since April 2nd, 2013. That time in my life was not an easy chapter, but it is the one that lead me to the China Chapter, which I am currently in. I've been in China for just over two years and there are plenty of inspiring sights and scenes here to keep me busy. Here is a collection of sketches I've done in the past couple of years:

Balcony view from my studio apartment in Dongjiaotou, Shenzhen (11.07.15)

Winter flowers in Shekou, Shenzhen (02.11.15)

Facing the East River, Huizhou, Guangdong (06.03.15)

The bridge to Jiangbei, Huizhou (02.04.2016)

Bamboo sprouting I (06.05.16)

Bamboo sprouting II (06.05.16)

Kye Bay, Comox, B.C. (18.06.16)

Kye Bay, Comox, B.C. (19.06.16)

"The ferry's coming," Saltery Bay, B.C. (08.07.16)

The bridge to nowhere, Huizhou, Guangdong (13.12.16)

The power building, Huizhou (13.12.16)

Across from "Icy's" in Huizhou (13.12.16)

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